Monday, August 24, 2009

A Good Week

Praise God, we are beginning to settle in and adjust to our surroundings. Although many things will be hard to get used to, such as the constant city noise, we are enjoying it so far! The building work had a good first week, considering we are on Peruvian time (which is not quite punctual at times.)! :) Each pillar had to be made by hand...every metal bar bent to the shape needed. I believe there are 30 pillars to be poured, and they are nearly finished with them. This is the most important part, as no work will continue as long as the pillars and foundation are not finished.
The first team of 4 people arrived last week. One member had to leave early, and one is out of commission from an accident on the job...almost cut off his foot! Praise God for nothing worse, and for good healing so far! This team has been a blessing because they are fluent Spanish speakers! They have helped us set the groundwork for the upcoming teams with their translation help!
Everyone looks forward to lunch time, when we are able to fellowship over a generous and delicious Peruvian meal. One of the Peruvian ladies wanted Mom to teach her how to cook American food, so we had the family over for supper. Mom made American spaghetti and Edelka made Peruvian spaghetti (it's green!).
They have church here almost every night...Tuesday, Thurday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Often, we will go to the church that is right here at MEPI. Although it is strange going to services without understanding anything, they are still always a blessing and the language barrier does not stop the Spirit!
Beginning this week, we are trying to jump into deep study of Spanish. Pray for us as we try to use this amazing opportunity to learn would be quite easy to let the 6 months go by without really learning and becoming fluent. We are having fun spending time with a few people who are trying to learn English...we help them, and they help us with Spanish. Many laughs, but lots of learning!
Today, we taught them how to play Ultimate Frisbee...we were having a blast, until the first accident happened! Roxanne was on top of one of the sand piles, and tried to catch a throw but jumped to the bottom and cut her face on a wooden soccer goal. She is doing fine now, but pray for quick healing! (She had to get super daddy stitches, ;) ) Keep praying for safety, we definitely need it! Also, Caitlyn has been pretty sick the last 2 days...not sure what is causing it. Pray for health!

Thanks for all the prayers, and Dios te bendiga! (God bless you!)

Concrete mixer...sand and water carried in 5 gal. buckets.

Every one of the little bars on these pillars were hammered and bent into shape by hand.
Lots of work!

Kitt and Pablo bending metal rebar for pillars (or unbending, the big ones are bought bent).

Construction site from our apartment.

Tarantula found in the walls!

Marcos and Gilber live here at we are becoming great friends!

Playing in the "la nieve peruana" (Peruvian "snow")!!! :D

Grace's car, made by Marcos. :)

Bethany loves sitting in the motokars.

More laundry washin...

The kids love Dutch Blitz.

Enjoying the "red and green" spaghettis.

Enjoying lunch time food and fellowship.

Bethany's playmate...Ryan lives here at MEPI. He is one of the only Peruvian kids she likes!

She likes Gilber too...

First (God willing, ONLY!!) job site injury...Matthew from Team 1. It is healing nicely.

First Matson injury...cut on wooden soccer goal!

Close up...

Screaming in pain...not really. :D Believe it or not, she is laughing really hard here. She laughed so hard she couldn't breath.

Super Daddy Stitches... the nurse who is helping with Matt came and helped Dad with "surgery".



  1. Man, sorry to hear about Roxanne!!!! :( Was she really laughing? That leg looks bad. Good thing it wasn't any worse. HAND washing your laudry!? O>o Wow. The motokar looks cool. Is it yours to drive around? Keep safe and God bless!


  2. Ouch! Praying for Roxanne!

    Love these updates! Keep them coming!



  3. Just discovered this site and I am SO EXCITED to see this. I am literally in tears! Your family is so special to the Kinnunens and we pray that the Lord will bless your time in Peru. Wow - this is an adventure of a lifetime!
    Love you all, Mary

  4. Testing...God is good. In spite of a few setbacks, God is still watching over us here in Peru!

  5. Yes Peter, Roxanne was really laughing... VERY hard too :-) mom told Roxy to let her (mom) know if she stopped breathing... and Roxy laughed so hard she couldn't breath! haha!
